Weekly Update: Nov 11 a Little Late

Sorry this it a little late, but it was some what of a busy week.  I worked a few hours on Sunday, so that kind of through my day off.  Nothing really happened this week, until Thursday.  I went and got my stomach scoped.  For something that only took about 5 minutes to do, I was in the hospital for almost 3 hours.  So since Thursday, my stomach has been upset since then.  I have medication for it, but I still have not felt good since.  

Saturday was my 30th Class reunion.  It was good to catch up with some old faces.  Was able to catch up with Amy, a classmate that had the surgery a few years ago.  She gave me advice of some dos and don'ts that I may go through during this process.  I also saw a friend who is a doctor, who told me my life would be so much better after the surgery.  

Sunday besides work, we meet with one of my girlfriends clients, Moe.  she told what she went through have the surgery.  Telling a lot of the does and don't after the surgery.  We are talking to a few people before this, so I can be prepared for and after the surgery.  

 Weekly weight loss:  1.4 lbs lost.


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