Weekly Update: Dec 16 Surgey Week

So this was the week I had been working for the last 5 months.   Surgery was not scheduled till 2:30 in the afternoon, so we did not have to be at the hospital until 12:30.  My dad came down and gave me a blessing (Yes I am LDS or Mormon).  We got to the hospital and checked in and waited, and waited.  My surgery was delayed because the forgot that I was scheduled that day.  So an hour later, I was in surgery, and an hour later I was out.  

After Surgery picture.  Bottom right is where they took the stomach out!
I don't remember being in much pain.  I went for two walks around the floor that night.  The nurse did ask me if I wanted pain meds and how strong did I want them.  I went for the weak ones, and was fine.  Was woken up at 3 by a vampire (Blood Work).  I was woken again, by Brandon, who works with Dr. Graf, to see how I was.  Him and Dr. Graf  said I could stay another night, but also said I could go home that day.  So I was feeling well enough, that I went home. well my Girlfriend's House.

Since being released, it has been a good time.  A little pain, but not enough to need meds.  I have started walking around the neighborhood.  And I am off the liquid diet and now on the puree diet.  I have to set a schedule to eat three times a day, because I am not hunger.  But I am eating, Refied Beans, cream based soups, Tuna Salad, and Egg Salad.  Can't talk my girlfriend into puree a pizza bowl! Looking forward to the soft diet.

Weekly Weight Lose: 5.8 lbs loss!


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