
Update Oct 1st, 2019

I know it has been awhile since I have been on here, but everything is going good.  Had a great summer.  Went to Oregon to my girlfriends daughter graduation, and to the beach.  The beach was amazing and I was able to do things there that I have not done on the other trips we have taken there. I was on the beach everyday.  The last time I was there, we went to to the water just once.  I also walked the beach almost everyday.  On one of my walks I did over 2 miles.  And I even went boggy boarding. My walks have gotten longer.  I am now walking over 2 miles on my long walks and about a mile on the short walks.  In doing this, we have noticed that it takes me longer to burn fat and that my resting heart beat is about 25 beats lower than it was about 2 years ago. Here is to keep on moving forward.

Bringing Back Old Memories!

Every so often I will be walking through the halls at work, and someone will stop me and ask me if I have lost weight.  I tell them that I have lost a lot of weight and they tell me how great I look and to keep it up.   One of the things that I have not really talked about before, is that since 2016 I have been working with I life coach.  I had just gotten out of the hospital, and needed help getting my life back on track.  I was told after I got out, that I needed to change my lifestyle or I was not going to get any better.  With his help, I started eating right and walking to get of oxygen, just 6 months after being in the hospital.  With his help and my girlfriends, I am where I am today. So on our weekly talks we talk about everything.  So a few weeks back I was talking about how I am down to the weight I was when I was racing and playing softball.  So he challenged me to go get my racing gear out of storage and try it on.  So t...

Sorry For Being Gone For So Long

Can not believe how long it has been since I last post on my blog.  But is has been over three months, and a lot has happen in that time. When I was last here, I was in the process of moving out.  I finished that on the 27 of January.  After living in Mesa for 40 years, I move just south to Chandler.  Never thought I would ever move out of Mesa, but I did.  I  am about 10 minutes closer to work. February, was a month of new adventures.  On the 22 of February, we took a trip to Hawaii for a 7 day Hawaiian cruise of the Pride of America.  This was truly a incredible trip.  I was able to do things that I have not done in years.  Being on a ship, you either have to take an elevator or stairs to get anywhere.  If I want to be with my girlfriend when she smoked, I had to climb stairs to be with her, since there was no elevator on that level.  One night we came out, of something, there was a long line for the elevator.  So...

Weekly Update: Jan 20

I know it has been two weeks since I did a update, so I will give you two weeks worth.  On the 17th I went to the doctors and they are happy with my progress.  I was given the go ahead to start eating soft food.  So my first meal was 4 oz of Freddy's Steak Burger.  It tasted so great! On Saturday we started the process of moving, by cleaning out my storage lockers.  We got a lot of stuff out and donated a lot of stuff to.  Throw out 3 big tvs.  My treat for the day was 4 oz of a Arby's Sandwich.  Weekly weight loss for the week of the 2oth of Jan:  3.9 lbs lost! 

Weekly Update: Jan 13

The 12th was one month after surgery.  My girlfriend about a week or two after the surgery, ask if I was happy I if it?  At the time I really could not answer her, which did not really make her to happy.  But after a month I can say, I am happy to have done it!  I can already see the health benefits that the doctors told me I would see.  I sleep a lot better, I don't go to the bathroom a million times a night, and my breathing is much much better.  I know I am already down a size, in my clothes.    I now live in the world of one mile and more with my walking.  I was doing a mile or more a few years ago, but now it is almost  a everyday thing.  As I am walking I know I am getting close and waiting for my app to say I have reached a mile.  The question after that is how much or how far am I from home.   Weekly weight Loss:  0.9 lbs lost!

Weekly Update: Jan 6

Happy New Year!!!  And with the start of the New Year, I can say I am some what starting my journey to a new me.  This week was a lot of first.  I left my girlfriends home and finally went back to mine.  With that being said, I went back to work on the 2nd. It was weird being back.  But as soon as I walked in, everyone could notice the change.  I had a little pain, because of the belt I was wearing, but that is because for 2 weeks I wore gym shorts. I am lucky that my job offers voluntary time off, so my first day back was just a few hours.  But I am back to working full time again.    Being back at my place, I have to find the schedule to eat my food and drink my water.  With the surgery I have to stop drinking water about 15 to 30 minutes be eating, then take 30 minutes to eat and then wait 30 minutes after that to take a drink. This is so the new stomach can digest the food.  This is the hardest to so at work, because I...

Weekly Update: Dec 30, Last one for tis yeer!

My Shadow looks thinner! Two weeks after surgery, and I am discovering new things.  For the first time in a long time I can bend over and tie my shoes.  I first did this last week on one of my long walks.  Normally, when I am walking and my shoe comes untied, I just continue walking until till I get home.  This time I stopped, put my foot on the curb, and bent over and tied my shoe.  Normally I have  to sit on the end of my bed and bring my feet up and tie them. I had a doctors appoint this week, which was my two week check up after surgery.  Everything is going good.  My weight loss is above average.  They took the stripes off the 5 areas they did surgery at, and they glued them together.  The first night of not having them covered, they did hurt a little.  Still on the pureed diet until my next doctors visit on the 17th of January. Also I was told I could eat food until I feel full.    I have been eating onl...